The Mayor holds a four-year term of office and serves as the chief executive officer and the head of the administrative branch of the town government. The Mayor also serves as president of the Town Council. Although the Mayor does not vote, he or she does hold veto power. The Mayor appoints the heads of all offices and departments, who serve at the Mayor’s pleasure.
Front Office – Hours are Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Town Manager
Gary P. Dye, Jr.
Roles & Responsibilities
The Town Manager is hired to service the Mayor, Council and the community and to bring benefits in administering local government projects and programs on behalf of the governing body. The Town Manager is also responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Town, including but not limited to seeing that all ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations adopted by the Town are faithfully executed.
Gary Dye, Jr.
Clerk / Treasurer
Dana Mangus
Roles & Responsibilities
The Town Clerk/Treasurer is responsible for the overall collection and disbursement of funds including maintaining all the financial and public records. The Clerk maintains the minutes of the Town Council as well as the various Boards and Commissions. The Clerk is responsible for providing and keeping up-to-date information regarding voter registration, elections, polling places and meeting schedules. The Clerk/Treasurer shall be appointed by the Mayor with approval by the Council.
Dana Mangus
Administrative Assistant / Water Sewer Billing Clerk
Kim Herche
Kim Herche
Town Council
All legislative powers of the town are vested in the Town Council consisting of five elected members. Council members four-year terms of office are staggered as not to have each member being up for election simultaneously. The Town Council meets regularly the first Wednesday of every month in the Town Hall Meeting Room at 209 High Street in New Windsor. The Council has the power to hold public hearings and adopt new ordinances.
Members & Contact
Dave Hoffman | dhoffman@newwindsormd.org | 05/2019 – 05/2025 | 410-635-6575 |
Kevin Cornick | kcornick@newwindsormd.org | 05/2021 – 05/2025 | 410-635-6575 |
William Holl | wholl@newwindsormd.org | 05/2021 – 05/2025 | 410-635-6575 |
Kimberlee Schultz | kschultz@newwindsormd.org | 05/2019 – 05/2025 | 443-340-8056 |
Connor Frock | cfrock@newwindsormd.org | 08/2024 – 05/2027 | 410-635-6575 |
Planning Commission
The Town Planning Commission is a seven-member commission created with powers and duties as set out in Article 66B, Zoning and Planning, of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Commission members are appointed by the Mayor and Council for terms of five years each, one member is a Councilmember to serve in an ex officio capacity. The current Council representative is Dave Hoffman. The Commission meets on the fourth Monday of every month, if needed; in the “Meeting Room” at Town Hall, 209 High Street, in New Windsor.
Members & Contact
Kevin Shaughness | 01/2021 – 12/2026 | 410-635-6575 |
Drew Strine | 04/2021 – 03/2026 | 410-635-6575 |
Glenn Monroe, Vice-Chairman | 04/2019 – 03/2024 | 443-463-2207 |
Dave Hoffman | Town Council liaison | 410-635-6575 |
Mark Schultz, Chairman | 11/2019 – 10/2024 | 410-635-8960 |
Ryan Christensen | 04/2021 – 03/2026 | 410-635-6575 |
Public Works
The Public Works Department operates equipment and performs various maintenance duties to maintain Town roads, storm drains, utilities and parks. In addition, they perform snow removal duties and respond to various emergencies. The Public Works department currently has 3 full time employees. The Director of Public Works is currently, Wayne Myers, Jr. He is the primary contact for water/sewer emergencies.
Members & Contact
Wayne Myers, Director of Public Works | 410-635-6575 |
Alan Tobery, Supervisor | 410-635-6575 |
Dustin Bane | |
Aaron Warnick |
Carroll County Sheriff’s
Master Deputy Kevin McGinnis | 410-386-2900 kmcginnis@carrollcountymd.gov |
Zoning Administrator
The duty of Zoning Administrator is to process all zoning applications in accordance with town zoning codes.
Ed Palsgrove | 410-635-6575 |
Board of Zoning Appeals
The Board of Zoning Appeals consist of three members appointed by the mayor for terms of three years each.In general the Board hears and decides on issues pertaining to special exceptions, and variances. The powers of the Board are defined in the Code of the Town of New Windsor.
Members & Contact
Charlotte Hollenbeck | 06/2019-06/2022 | 410-635-6575 |
Dale Lowman | 06/2019-06/2022 | 410-635-6575 |
K. Marcell Munshaur | 06/2019-06/2022 | 410-635-6575 |
Board of Elections
There shall be a Board of Supervisors of Elections consisting of three members and one alternate, who are appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Council. The terms of the members shall run for four years. The entire description can be found in Chapter 6 of the Town Charter.
Members & Contact
Darlene Blacksten, Chief Judge March 2021 – March 2025 410-635-6575
Judy Coe, Judge March 2021 – March 2025 410-635-6575
Sandee Custen, Judge March 2021 – March 2025 410-635-6575
Linda Eicholtz, Alternate March 2021 – March 2025 410-635-6575
Code Enforcement Officer
The Town of New Windsor’s part-time Code Enforcement Officer will strive to maintain and improve the quality of the community by administering fair and unbiased enforcement of the Town Code and Ordinances to correct violations and improve the quality of life for our residents. He/She will work in partnership with the community and educate residents and businesses through communication, meetings, and letters to seek voluntary compliance as well as issue citations as necessary.
Joan Henard 410-635-6575 email: jhenard@newwindsormd.org